DO Get Out
For many of us it’s not-back-to-school time; primaries and secondaries across the country are closed once more. This near-lockdown feels a little harder going, but we are doing everything in our power to stay positive. The colder weather means that it’s a little more difficult to get serious outside time in, but our ideas for winter forest school activities will help keep kids warm and engaged. We love the Swedish concept of ‘friluftsliv’, the idea of connecting to nature through immersing yourself in it; find out more here. Find more ideas for open-air learning and play courtesy of the excellent Outdoor Learning Day crew.
EVENT Goodbye Christmas
Traditionally, a Twelfth Night celebration was held on January 5, a night of feasting, games and giving gifts, all presided over by the Lord Of Misrule. The Lord was chosen by sweetmeat lottery – whoever found a bean in their slice of Twelfth Night Cake became the ruler for the night, organising the entertainment and setting ludicrous commands. There’s a lovely piece here about the celebrations, complete with a recipe for a rich cake to make (if you can face more sweet stuff!). Ordinarily, London’s Lion’s Part players would be making their noisy way along the south bank, dressed in colourful costumes, the green-bedecked Berry Man at their head, but this year things are going online; watch them perform live tonight, or catch up with the show over the next week.
DO and Make Crazy Card
We still have a big stash of post-Christmas cardboard boxes. And getting them out can only result in one thing; fun. We adore this baby maze made from card and bulldog clips while this stair-slide is great for older kids Find creative and magical ideas for cardboard houses here and lots more ideas here and here.
Drumduan School
Offering a Waldorf curriculum from Kindergarten to Class 12 - More...
DO and MAKE The Go Steam
Fancy embarking on a long-form winter build project with your family? If you’re lucky to have your own outdoor space, why not try building your own sauna? Whether you go for a full-blown wooden steam room, or the almost comically low-tech bag-and-hot-rocks method, these sweat lodges will turn your garden into a spa. Alternatively, a home-made hot tub is dreamy; we love the adapted bath!
5DO Namaste Nippers
Doing yoga with your kids not only keeps your minds and bodies clear and healthy, but it’s a lovely way to bond. If it’s really too cold to get outside, why not start practicing together indoors? Bond with your baby though yoga or keep things fun and simple for toddlers with animal yoga. Find downloadable instruction cards here, or try following this video. There’s a lovely morning yoga sequence on video here while sport yoga is fun for really active kids. Older kids might prefer a more sci-fi approach – try Star Wars yoga.
****Don’t forget! The Big Garden Bird Watch takes place January 29–31. Sign up today to be sure to get all the information you need ahead of time****
What we’ve been reading this week:
50 Ways to Get Through Cabin Fever “Use this list of creative activities for kids to create a jar of fun things to do at home—then pull them out when boredom strikes.” Read more here
Found something inspirational to read that you’d like to share? Want to share your creations with us? Have an idea for things to do? We’d love to hear from you. Email Kate